I have absolutely no idea where the idea for "Yours For the Future" came from, unless it came from my years reading slush pile for Amazing/Fantastic.
The recent untimely death at the age of 98 of the great science fiction pioneer Isaac X. Greenback, the founder and sole editor of Amazing Galactic Science Fiction and Analogous Astounding Fantasy Magazine, was a blow to all of us, reader and fan alike. How well so many remember sitting on his knee while he told us stories of "Herbie" Wells and "Julie" Verne. The MassCons in his hometown of Yazoo Junction won't be the same without him.
It was reprinted, surprise of surprises, in Germany in Entropie, edited by Wolfgang Jeschke, as "Fur die Zukunft, stets der Ihrige."
In his effects were found a number of unmailed rejection slips which indicate how this great master of science fictional editing worked with and influenced so many of the great science fiction writers of our time. We would like to share with you some of the wisdom of Mr. Greenback found in these letters.