You might think that this 6 1/2 month trip around the country would be the greatest adventure of my life. And it certainly is the greatest since I was 30 years old. But it's only the 6th greatest adventure of my life.

    The 5th greatest adventure was my first coast to coast trip in 1966, driving from Washington to a computer conference in Dallas then one in San Diego (where i heard Ray Bradbury speak) then up the coast to visit with Dean Anschultz in Canoga Park then up to San Francisco for the first time, going to Haight Ashbury and meeting Irene Kitagawa and Makoto (Mike) Shiota before heading back home via the Grand Canyon. This last trip revisited a lot of those places as well as many others.

    My 4th greatest adventure was when I took the train down to Washington DC in 1962, having no idea how I would get to Goddard Space Flight Center to see what was holding up my job offer. Two days later I saw my first computer and became a programmer and began the best 6 1/2 years of my life.

    My 3rd greatest adventure was when I went down to New York City in January 1960 to enter the NYU drama department. I had no idea where I was going to live. After about a week at the YMCA. I wound up at the Long Island University dormitory in Brooklyn.

    My 2nd greatest adventure was flying out to Caltech in 1956, the first time I'd ever been in an airplane and the first time I'd been more than a few minutes away from family and friends in my life, off to an alien land, much more alien from the east coast then than it is today. Although the plane landed in the Burbank airport instead of the LA Airport where it was supposed the land, I somehow managed to get to Caltech where I met Dean Anschultz and began what I thought was the greatest adventure of my life up to that time. But after thinking about it for a while, I realized I was wrong.

    The greatest adventure of them all in my life was simply growing up.